"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart." Winnie the Pooh

Friday, March 29, 2013

My "Giant" Excitement

Pay day and Spring weather couldn't have coordinated better with the arrival of my beautiful new bike. I knew that I wanted a new way to enjoy my work commute...all 6 minutes of it. :) With this in mind I wandered over to my local bike shop and eyed what they had in stock. I left with a catalog in hand and just moments later I had found the perfect one. After test riding others they already had in the store, and waiting... not so patiently, for the dream bike I had ordered, it came! I gave it a thorough test of gears, speed bumps, balance, and fit...but really, my heart was set from the beginning. Conveniently it was just as great in person as I had hoped! Meet my new favorite possession, transportation, and waiting to be named...bicycle.

P.S. When I arrived to pick it up, they were happy to present me my new bike, rose and all. This girl's day has been made!



  1. Congratulations, Ashley...what a great looking bike! I have one at home in Canada that I will bring down to AZ next winter. I live in a perfect location for a bicycle here.

    Enjoy your new beauty!!

    Your greatauntie!! (chuckle on the great part)

  2. Thanks great auntie! I'm really excited about my new bike. It already has a warm spot in my heart. It's great to hear from you. Arizona sounds like a wonderful place to spend the winter and how perfect for your bike. I hope you had a blessed Easter,
    Your great Niece-y
